About Magical Education

Satish Mardia
Founder, Magical Education
Every child needs a magic to get going with their task. And that is precisely the job that Magical Education has done so well for the past one decade playing on the child’s inquisitiveness and making them want to learn and excel in their studies. After having made a substantial difference with our child-centric approach to academics, Magical Education is up on the mission to recreate the same magic through their franchise expansion.
Who knows a child’s mind
The quest to find an answer to a child’s academic agony began when Satish Mardia, enrolled hos son to a well-known Abacus class. The drop in his son’s interest bothered the concerned father. Mardia went back to his childhood days when a rendezvous with world renowned mathematician Shakuntala Devi had changed his approach towards academics.
Identifying and bridging the gap’s
“Despite having the best schools and tuition classes in the country, there is a very high failure rate for the reason that all these institutions focus on ‘what’ to teach rather than ‘how’ to teach. The moment the situation is addressed from ‘how to teach’ angle, the academic efficiency level will come up dramatically”
The strife to find a solution to the learning challenges of the students that are not addressed by the schools and coaching institutions have led to the several verticals that cater to multiple issues such as exam phobia, math’s phobia, low concentration, poor memory, communication skills and personality development. The unique child-centric approach Magical Education caters to students of all age group right from the first standard to aspirants of competitive exams.
The year 2006…. While interacting with students and teachers, the idea called Magical Education (ME) was born. ME came into existence to resolve the problems / difficulties faced by learners… the problems that are not addressed in schools or tuition classes. Whilst schools /tuition classes focus on subjects, the focus of ME is clearly the learner. ME works towards building the capabilities of learners, towards strengthening their own learning ability. Maths is a focus area apart from their ability to concentrate, to remember, to understand what they study, complete their syllabus, strengthen their English language, to be a smarter person… Unlike schools or tuition classes who teach for that particular year, at ME the learning is for life.
ME trains school children, college goers, school teachers, tuition teachers, competitive exam aspirants.
ME has been able to identify the reasons why students find studies a burden and why they don’t enjoy studies. These grey areas that the students face create an adverse impact on their academics. Unfortunately, this major aspect is not taken care of by schools or tuition classes. They focus just on the syllabus making a cramming machine out of the poor child… and the child is left to fend for himself / herself.
ME makes a positive difference in performance of learners…

It is not WHAT to teach, but HOW to teach that makes the differenceIf a child does not want to learn the way you want to teach, then teach the child in a manner he / she wants to learn.